How to Block a Website in a Network..?

Want to Block a Website ...?

Aren't able to find the genuine method to Block a website...?
                 Now you don't have to. Here is the genuine method to Block a Website in a Network.
You can also watch my video (provided at last), this video is personally made by me and it is the genuine way to block a website that I have found. Even you don't have to touch a router or a Server to block a website in a network, just follow the instructions as given below:-


Step 1: First go to the Website Opendns and create a free account Opendns free account

open dns account to block websites

Step 2: After Creating your free Account, Login with your free account and go to the Setting tab

open dns setting to block websites

Step 3: In Setting Tab, you have to Add your Network IP Address. To find your Network IP Address just type "what is my ip" in Google search bar or click on this link 
how to find my ip

Step 4: Copy your IP Address and paste in "Add a Network" in Opendns. After entering click on "Add this Network" and next page will look something like this:
Open DNS to block websites in a network

Just give it any name as you want like "Home", then click on Done. Next screen will be

Update Setting to block websites

Step 5: Click on your IP Address. 

Step 6: On next page you can Add a Domain(website you want to block)

Block a website in OPen DNS

Let's block facebook, so enter "" ad click on "Add Domain"

add a domain in Open DNS

Step 7: Now you have blocked in your network(your IP Address). Now you just have to change the DNS Address in that Computer in which you want to block a website(here or if you want to block "" in every computer so just change DNS Address in every Computer, which is quite easy.

Step 8: To change DNS Address, just go to Network Connection in that Computer, then right click on your connected network and select "properties" and select on "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/Ipv4) and then click on properties. A new tab will appear, just enter below given DNS in place of Preferred DNS Server
Click on OK.

So everyone having above DNS Address in their Computer won't be able to access or any website which you have blocked from your Opendns account.

Change internet connection to block website

Finally done and enjoy. 

You can also watch my video for the same here

1 comment:

  1. From there the preferred DNS 208.67....can in the picture...why this perticular DNS only ?
